Tuesday, 26 March 2013

ByFood: Our 1st Post: Life Vs Bittergourd and Pizza

Ever since I befriended Lil SK with Sunny, I've been laughing a lot lately. She's someone with a really quirky sense of humour and loves observing her surroundings with unique perspectives. Of course, she has her downtimes too but motivates herself with simple objects like...

Her Pencil Case @@!
On the badge was written (translated): Life isn't bitter, Bittergourd is.
I really love this badge because I laughed each time after looking at it. Hope it cracks you up too. 

Anyway, food motivates me a lot. Today's brunch menu is a slice of Vegetarian Pizza. It isn't homemade, just frozen and toasted. What's special about it is that Dad brought the pizza home! It's been years and that's rare.

My Vegetarian Pizza ;]
Plan your special lunch too!

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